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REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS – Support media literacy efforts for rural communities

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REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS (RFA) Support media literacy efforts for rural communities Publication Date: October 25, 2023 Open to independent media outlets and civil society organizations (CSOs) from Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: November 15, 2023, 18:00. DESCRIPTION Internews in Moldova is… Read More »REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS – Support media literacy efforts for rural communities

Young people from the Republic of Moldova created videos about the effects of disinformation and manipulation during a summer school

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From July 5th to 8th, 2023, the Youth Media Center, with the support of the European Union, and under the coordination of Internews, organized a Media Camp, bringing together 30 young people from different localities of the Republic of Moldova.… Read More »Young people from the Republic of Moldova created videos about the effects of disinformation and manipulation during a summer school

Internews and National Geographic event: Cultivating empathy and creating connections through visual storytelling with Matt Moyer

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Internews in Moldova and National Geographic Society invite you to a meet-up about cultivating empathy and understanding through visual storytelling. The photographer and filmmaker Matt Moyer ( will share his experience in an open event in Chisinau, talking about his… Read More »Internews and National Geographic event: Cultivating empathy and creating connections through visual storytelling with Matt Moyer

Strengthening the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Moldova’s technical capacities will ensure the effective combating of propaganda and disinformation

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The European Union continues to ensure quality information for citizens and combat propaganda by strengthening the technical capacity of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Moldova, the regulator for audiovisual services to Moldovan citizens. Laptops, computers, and other IT… Read More »Strengthening the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Moldova’s technical capacities will ensure the effective combating of propaganda and disinformation

RFA | Internews in Moldova is looking for a company/organization/researcher to review and analyze three national surveys on the perception of media (Extended Deadline)  

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REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS Internews in Moldova is looking for a company/organization/researcher to review and analyze three national surveys on the perception of media Extended deadline: February 20, 2023, COB Open to local or international expert(s)/organizations/companies Context Internews in Moldova provides… Read More »RFA | Internews in Moldova is looking for a company/organization/researcher to review and analyze three national surveys on the perception of media (Extended Deadline)  

RfA: Internews in Moldova is looking for an expert to assess the needs of media outlets to overcome the energy crisis

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Deadline: January 20, 2023, COB Open to national and international experts Context Internews in Moldova is looking for an expert to provide in-house assessment of several independent Moldovan media organizations that aims to help them to overcome the energy crisis.The… Read More »RfA: Internews in Moldova is looking for an expert to assess the needs of media outlets to overcome the energy crisis